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Retentional Hub

text image saying Mutual Customer Success Plans with two question marks
April 27, 2024

What Are Mutual Customer Success Plans?

Mutual Customer Success Plans or Mutual Action Plans are built and maintained together with your clients. Collaboration is the glue that keeps the mutual success plan progressing and keeping your clients well informed about the value they're gaining from using your solutions.

March 25, 2024

What Is Retentional?

Retentional helps high-touch customer success teams drive home the value of their products and services using customer success plans. In this post, we discuss the core benefits of switching to Retentional to manage your customer value.

February 19, 2024

The Importance of Strategy in High-Touch Customer Success

We discuss the importance of linking your product's value proposition to your clients business objectives through being strategic in your approach to customer success

February 04, 2024

Retentional is now on .net

We understand the importance of Net Revenue Retention. Arguably one of, if not, the most important metric owned by the CS organisation. It's not only an indicator of tremendous value being attained by your clients but also a testament to the quality of your product/service. That's why we are now

February 06, 2024

10 Strategic Questions To Ask Your Clients

Strategic success planning is vital for CSMs when engaging with their high touch clients. In today's market, where client-vendor relationships are under scrutiny, being strategic and collaborative is indispensable. The winning vendors are those who offer maximum value.

January 08, 2024

Guide to Customer Journey Mapping for High Touch CS Teams

Customer Journey Mapping for Customer Success Teams provides a clear visualisation of the customer's interactions, pain points, and needs throughout their experience with your solution. We also answer the question, how do you turn a customer journey map into a success plan?

January 02, 2024

50 General Customer Success Outcomes

Explore our collation of 50 Customer Outcomes designed to give you inspiration for when you are having strategic discussions with your clients around the development of a success plan.

December 03, 2023

10 Best Success Plans From The Internet

To make life a little easier for you, here are 10 Success plan templates we've collated from across the web to help you make success plans that delivers your products value in an effective manner!

December 03, 2023

5 Ways To Not Use Success Plans

Helping Customer Success Managers drive business value for their clients via collaborative success plans.

December 03, 2023

How To Make A Great Success Plan

In this article we are going to distil what makes up the key elements of a great success plan.

December 03, 2023

How To Create A Customer Retention Plan

In this article I’ve listed a small subset of Dos and Don’ts when it comes to managing your high touch client accounts in customer success.

Unlock Success Graphics
December 01, 2023

The Key to Unlocking Success in your Customer Relationships

In the world of Customer Success, sustaining client relationships is the core. This article will uncover a tool to help you succeed in building strong partnerships and manifesting remarkable outcomes for your customers.

Winning Enterprise CS Graphics
December 01, 2023

Delivering Meaningful Value as a CSM for Enterprise Clients

In the dynamic landscape of today's business world, where success is not just measured by the bottom line but also by the lasting impact a company makes on its clients, the role of a Customer Success Manager (CSM) in Enterprise has taken on a pivotal role.

Success in Enterprise CS Graphics
January 11, 2024

Succeeding in Enterprise customer success

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the role of an Enterprise Customer Success Manager (ECSM) transcends the traditional role of a 'vendor representative.' The paradigm shift from a transactional relationship to that of a trusted advisor is a pivotal aspect of meaningful value delivery.