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  • 5 min read

What Are Mutual Customer Success Plans?

Mutual Customer Success Plans or Mutual Action Plans are built and maintained together with your clients. Collaboration is the glue that keeps the mutual success plan progressing and keeping your clients well informed about the value they're gaining from using your solutions.

text image saying Mutual Customer Success Plans with two question marks

Customer Success (CS) teams that are dedicated to supporting mid-market and enterprise clients in achieving their most significant objectives need to start doing things differently. The market in 2024 demands a departure from traditional CS toward a more customer-centric model.

Here's how CS teams can enhance their focus on ensuring customer satisfaction because delivering real-time value should be central to your value delivery process:

Collaborative Approach to Mutual Success Plans

As a CS function, it's important to move away from simply providing technology solutions without any strategic support. By closely collaborating with customers, CSMs can gauge the extent to which clients are extracting value from the offerings and whether their investments are yielding returns. This collaborative approach creates mutual success and strengthens the partnership between the you as the 'strategic advisor' and your clients.

It's a genuine journey you're taking with your customers.

Strategic Success Planning

Inviting customers into the strategic planning process yields invaluable insights into their usage patterns, challenges, and short- or long-term objectives. Co-developing a tailored roadmap based on these insights sets the stage for a productive and enduring partnership, aligning both parties towards shared goals.

Facilitating Transparent Dialogue

Establishing ongoing dialogue , such as check-in calls, quarterly business reviews, and through customer success plans, is vital for tracking progress, addressing obstacles, and adapting strategies as needed. This transparent communication builds trust and enables timely issue resolution, ultimately enhancing customer outcomes and loyalty.

Customer Journey Mapping for Enhanced Experience

Making use of journey mapping techniques, CS teams gain a comprehensive understanding of the client experience throughout the product lifecycle, identifying pain points and opportunities for improvement. By co-developing journey maps, both parties can optimize each step of the client experience, ensuring proactive support and maximizing value delivery.

As stated earlier, going through the ops and downs of helping your clients in achieving their goals - together, is what truly strengthens your relationship. Hardship builds bonds!

Focus on Business Impact

Beyond traditional metrics, CS teams should prioritize tracking tangible business outcomes desired by customers. By aligning efforts with clients' key results, CS teams can provide tailored support, share best practices, and facilitate connections with successful peers, thereby driving tangible ROI and fostering expansion opportunities. AKA Net Revenue Retention - unlocked.

To tie it all up, the success of software companies relies on delivering exponentially more value to customers than what they pay each month or year. By embracing a customer-centric approach characterized by collaboration, strategic success planning, transparent communication, and a focus on business impact, CS teams can forge lasting partnerships and drive mutual growth and success.

At the end of the day, the success our our clients is the success of our organisation.

If you want to elevate your Mutual Success Planning, then sign up to for free.