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Our Mission

Customer Success Planning is about you.

We built Retentional to help customer-facing teams execute on their customers' objectives with excellence, demonstrating the impact and value they deliver to their customers.

We believe that excellent execution trumps excellent strategy because actions speak louder than words.

It’s a tough pill to swallow, but the reality is that most customers aren’t seeking a deep, strategic relationship with their Customer Success Manager (CSM) – and that’s absolutely fine.

The real focus should be on execution, which drives results far more effectively than simply discussing strategy. It’s not about whether you’re having in-depth strategic conversations; it’s about how well you execute on your customers' objectives.

Many customers fail to reach their goals not because of a lack of strategy (most of the time, they have one in place) but because of poor execution. This is where success planning becomes crucial. A well-crafted success plan, aligned with your customers' objectives, is the vehicle that drives effective execution. Retentional is that vehicle.

What really matters to your customer? What are they trying to achieve with your product? By aligning your execution with their goals through a solid success plan, you demonstrate your true value as a CSM.

Your customer cares about what you can do for them, not what they can do for you.

It’s important to recognize that running through decks and usage reports during Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) doesn’t necessarily define the strength of your customer relationship or the value you deliver. The outcomes you help deliver through precise execution are what build a strong relationship with your clients.

This is why we exist. We’re helping you build strong client relationships through the effective execution of customer objectives, using customer success plans as the value delivery mechanism.

Execution, guided by clear objectives, is what delivers results.

What does excellent execution look like in success planning?

A powerful framework we’ve incorporated into our success plans is Objective Key Results (OKRs). OKRs offer a structured way to bring clarity to your customers' goals by breaking them down into measurable, executable outcomes. This approach not only sets clear goals but also ensures that both the CSM and the customer are fully aligned on what success looks like and how it will be measured and executed.

By integrating OKRs into success planning, you define clear objectives, set measurable key results, prioritize execution, and then facilitate continuous improvement—all hyper-focused on delivering true value with precise execution.

OKRs not only clarify what needs to be achieved but also provide a roadmap for how to get there, making them an essential tool in success planning.

By using OKRs, you ensure that execution is precise, focused, and continuously aligned with your customers' evolving needs.

Retentional is a culmination of our experiences and the lessons we’ve learned from our Pioneers who helped develop our success plans.

Our mission is to help CS teams Improve the strength of their client relationships, the value they deliver, and the effectiveness of their success planning by incorporating Retentional’s purpose-built success plans today.

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